Photographing Scout Moor Scout Moor Home Home
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There are currently
images of Scout
The winners of the February Vote were
1st was no 26 an aerial photo by Barry Aldous,
2nd was no. 72 by Richard Hall
3rd was no 123 by Mike Stanley.
The Ramsbottom Heritage Society is asking the public to help preserve the unspoilt image of Scout Moor, Whittle Hill, Knowl Hill and the ridge between them. The task is urgent since the proposed wind farm, with it’s 26 wind turbines, each 100 metres tall, will change this wild and distinctive landscape forever.
The Heritage Society, which is committed to conserving the Victorian cotton town of Ramsbottom, has never before taken on a project of this scale and needs the help of the public to do so.
Whilst Scout Moor and Knowl Hill have a distinctive skyline, they also have many fascinating individual features with evidence of early industrial activity. There are numerous tracks across the moor and evidence of early stone quarries and coal mines.
The mood of moors themselves is affected by the seasons, the weather and the lighting and it is our aim to capture all this before the turbines change it forever
We are asking people to use their digital cameras to take photographs of and from the moor and email them to the Ramsbottom Heritage web site so that they can be seen on the internet. Please give full details of the photograph, i.e. date taken, location. The photograph should be as high a resolution as possible. It will be presented in 3 sizes as on the existing pages.
The collection of Scout Moor photographs will be updated continually as they come in, giving people the chance to see what has already been taken. The collection will also include some stunning aerial photographs taken in the early autumn last year.
We would like to have photographs of any aspect of the moor and there is no need to be an expert photographer. However if people would like to enter the annual photographic competition they will find instructions on the web-site along with the entries from the last few years.