Most viewed - 2018

HPC-18TC-118.jpgOut Door Pursuits for the children by the Base in Nuttall Park5 viewsIan Chapman

HPC-18BU-001.jpgHawthorn House, off Rochdale Road, Edenfield4 viewsIan Summers

HPC-18TC-109.jpgSponsor Stone on Newly Laid widened path in Nuttall Park4 viewsIan Chapman

HPC-18TC-129.jpgCobbled Street back of Bolton Road West 4 viewsIan Chapman

HPC-18TH-015.jpgHighly Commended - Demolition of the Horse & Jockey Public House, Edenfield 4 viewsIan Summers

HPC-18BU-002.jpgConversion of former Edenfield Methodist Church into 8 Luxury Apartments named Peel Gardens3 viewsIan Summers

HPC-18BU-003.jpgConversion of former Edenfield Methodist Church into 8 Luxury Apartments named Peel Gardens3 viewsIan Summers

HPC-18EV-054.jpgRemembrance Sunday Parade Ramsbottom Royal British Legion 3 viewsIan Chapman

HPC-18EV-057.JPGRemembrance Sunday Parade Ramsbottom Royal British Legion 3 viewsIan Chapman

HPC-18TC-100.JPGEntrance from park to Cormar Carpets 3 viewsIan Chapman

HPC-18TC-110.JPGPlaque from Marshalls 3 viewsIan Chapman

HPC-18TC-114.jpgEntrance and car park Nuttall Park3 viewsIan Chapman

HPC-18TC-117.jpgMud Kitchen Nuttall Park3 viewsIan Chapman

HPC-18TC-124.JPGTunnell from Nuttall Park to Cormar Carpets3 viewsIan Chapman

HPC-18TC-125.JPGBack of Gardens Dundee Lane/Bolton Street3 viewsIan Chapman

HPC-18TC-161.jpgRowlands Road Bridge Summerseat 3 viewsIan Williams

HPC-18TC-166.jpgWalk By The River in Summerseat 3 viewsIan Williams

HPC-18TH-011.jpgHighly Commended - Demolition of the Horse & Jockey Public House, Edenfield 3 viewsIan Summers

HPC-18TH-012.jpgHighly Commended - Demolition of the Horse & Jockey Public House, Edenfield 3 viewsIan Summers

HPC-18TH-013.jpgHighly Commended - Demolition of the Horse & Jockey Public House, Edenfield 3 viewsIan Summers

HPC-18TH-014.jpgHighly Commended - Demolition of the Horse & Jockey Public House, Edenfield 3 viewsIan Summers

HPC-18TH-021.jpg100 Year Party at the Drop Off, Edenfield. The first big event in the large meeting room upstairs since 1918! 3 viewsIan Summers

HPC-18TH-043.jpgStarting to build 8 houses at Pilgrim Gardens, Market St, Edenfield 3 viewsIan Summers

HPC-18TH-202.JPGanother timber frames house on Bolton Road West3 viewsAlan Seymour

HPC-18BU-006.jpgNew Peel Gardens ready for viewing - was Edenfield Methodist Church2 viewsIan Summers

HPC-18BU-010.jpgAlderwood Barn, Market street, Edenfield 2 viewsIan Summers

HPC-18BU-064.JPGMemories Antiques - Bridge Street2 viewsAlan Seymour

HPC-18BU-086.jpgSchool House on Dundee Lane 2 viewsIan Chapman

HPC-18EV-012.jpg Presentation of Edenfield in Bloom Certificates by Councillor Iddon 2 viewsIan Summers

HPC-18EV-023.jpgA nice hot Summers day at the Stubbins Paper Mill2 viewsAnne Shortt

HPC-18EV-029.JPGClimbing on frame in Nuttall Park2 viewsIan Chapman

HPC-18EV-053.jpgRemembrance Sunday Parade Ramsbottom Royal British Legion 2 viewsIan Chapman

HPC-18EV-055.JPGRemembrance Sunday Parade Ramsbottom Royal British Legion 2 viewsIan Chapman

HPC-18EV-056.JPGRemembrance Sunday Parade Ramsbottom Royal British Legion 2 viewsIan Chapman

HPC-18EV-058.JPGRemembrance Sunday Parade Ramsbottom Royal British Legion 2 viewsIan Chapman

HPC-18EV-059.JPGRemembrance Sunday Parade Ramsbottom Royal British Legion 2 viewsIan Chapman

HPC-18TC-020.jpgTunnel leading from Nuttall Park to Cormar Carpets2 viewsIan Chapman

HPC-18TC-021.jpgTunnel leading from Nuttall Park to Cormar Carpets2 viewsIan Chapman

HPC-18TC-022.jpgFlood defence growing over nicely2 viewsIan Chapman

HPC-18TC-024.JPGRiver Irwell Nuttall Park2 viewsIan Chapman

HPC-18TC-099.JPGBowling Greens Nuttall Park2 viewsIan Chapman

HPC-18TC-101.JPGSt Andrew's Close Estate from Nuttall Park2 viewsIan Chapman

HPC-18TC-103.jpgFlood defence on River Irewell Nuttall Park2 viewsIan Chapman

HPC-18TC-104.JPGWild Flower Garden Nuttall Park2 viewsIan Chapman

HPC-18TC-105.JPGWild Flower Garden Nuttall Park2 viewsIan Chapman

HPC-18TC-106.JPGWild Flower Garden Nuttall Park2 viewsIan Chapman

HPC-18TC-107.JPGRailway Bridge with Holcombe church in back ground from Nuttall Park2 viewsIan Chapman

HPC-18TC-111.JPGPlaque from Viridor Credits on stone in Nuttall Park2 viewsIan Chapman

HPC-18TC-112.jpgNewly Laid Path around Nuttall Park2 viewsIan Chapman

HPC-18TC-113.jpgNewly Laid Path around Nuttall Park2 viewsIan Chapman

HPC-18TC-115.jpgRiver Irewell Nuttall Park2 viewsIan Chapman

HPC-18TC-116.jpgMud Kitchen Nuttall Park2 viewsIan Chapman

HPC-18TC-119.jpgOut Door Pursuits for the children by the Base in Nuttall Park2 viewsIan Chapman

HPC-18TC-120.jpgOut Door Pursuits for the children by the Base in Nuttall Park2 viewsIan Chapman

HPC-18TC-121.jpgPlace to rest Nuttall Park2 viewsIan Chapman

HPC-18TC-122.jpgFlood defence on River Irewell Nuttall Park2 viewsIan Chapman

HPC-18TC-123.JPGClimbing Wall Nuttall Park2 viewsIan Chapman

HPC-18TC-126.JPGAllotment at Buchanan Sports & Social Club2 viewsIan Chapman

HPC-18TC-127.JPGAllotment at Buchanan Sports & Social Club2 viewsIan Chapman

HPC-18TC-128.JPGAllotment at Buchanan Sports & Social Club2 viewsIan Chapman

HPC-18TC-130.jpgGarden in a Back Yard 2 viewsIan Chapman

HPC-18TC-131.jpgGarden in a Back Yard 2 viewsIan Chapman

HPC-18TC-132.jpgGarden in a Back Yard 2 viewsIan Chapman

HPC-18TC-133.jpgGarden in a Back Yard 2 viewsIan Chapman

HPC-18TC-137.JPGEntrance to Ramsbotom Cemetery2 viewsIan Chapman

HPC-18TC-138.JPGEntrance to Ramsbotom Cemetery2 viewsIan Chapman

HPC-18TC-148.JPGBolton Street & Urn & Health Centre2 viewsIan Chapman

HPC-18TC-149.JPGEast Lancs Railway from Bridge Street gardens2 viewsKeith Burroughs

HPC-18TC-150.JPGEast Lancs Railway from Ramsbottom railway crossing 2 viewsKeith Burroughs

HPC-18TC-151.JPGentrance to old footbridge by ramsbottom signal box 2 viewsKeith Burroughs

HPC-18TC-158.jpgBrooksbottom Cricket Club sign2 viewsIan Williams

HPC-18TC-160.jpgRailway lines , Summerseat 2 viewsIan Williams

HPC-18TC-163.jpgSunset over Holcombe Hill Seen From Summerseat 2 viewsIan Williams

HPC-18TH-022.jpg100 Year Party at the Drop Off, Edenfield. The first big event in the large meeting room upstairs since 1918! 2 viewsIan Summers

HPC-18TH-023.jpg100 Year Party at the Drop Off, Edenfield. The first big event in the large meeting room upstairs since 1918! 2 viewsIan Summers

HPC-18TH-024.jpg100 Year Party at the Drop Off, Edenfield. The first big event in the large meeting room upstairs since 1918! 2 viewsIan Summers

HPC-18TH-025.jpg100 Year Party at the Drop Off, Edenfield. The first big event in the large meeting room upstairs since 1918! 2 viewsIan Summers

HPC-18TH-031.jpgGarden Trail organised by Edenfield and District Horticultural Society2 viewsIan Summers

HPC-18TH-032.jpgGarden Trail organised by Edenfield and District Horticultural Society2 viewsIan Summers

HPC-18TH-033.jpgGarden Trail organised by Edenfield and District Horticultural Society2 viewsIan Summers

HPC-18TH-034.jpgGarden Trail organised by Edenfield and District Horticultural Society2 viewsIan Summers

HPC-18TH-035.jpgGarden Trail organised by Edenfield and District Horticultural Society2 viewsIan Summers

HPC-18TH-041.jpgStarting to build 8 houses at Pilgrim Gardens, Market St, Edenfield 2 viewsIan Summers

HPC-18TH-042.jpgStarting to build 8 houses at Pilgrim Gardens, Market St, Edenfield 2 viewsIan Summers

HPC-18TH-044.jpgStarting to build 8 houses at Pilgrim Gardens, Market St, Edenfield 2 viewsIan Summers

HPC-18TH-045.jpgStarting to build 8 houses at Pilgrim Gardens, Market St, Edenfield 2 viewsIan Summers

HPC-18TH-061.jpgWinner - Edenfield Church War Memorial.? 100 years Anniversary of the Armistice2 viewsAnne Shortt

HPC-18TH-062.jpgWinner - Edenfield Church War Memorial.? 100 years Anniversary of the Armistice2 viewsAnne Shortt

HPC-18TH-063.jpgWinner - Edenfield Church War Memorial.? 100 years Anniversary of the Armistice2 viewsAnne Shortt

HPC-18TH-064.jpgWinner - Edenfield Church War Memorial.? 100 years Anniversary of the Armistice2 viewsAnne Shortt

HPC-18TH-122.jpgPorritt and Spencer War Memorial at the Royal British Legion 2 viewsJohn Leyland

HPC-18TH-145.jpgWar memorial garden at Stubbins Vale Mill2 viewsJohn Leyland

HPC-18BU-007.jpgNew Peel Gardens ready for viewing - was Edenfield Methodist Church1 viewsIan Summers

HPC-18BU-008.jpgThe restored 21 Market Street, Edenfield 1 viewsIan Summers

HPC-18BU-009.jpgA new business: ICA Tuition Centre in the Co-op Building , Market Street, Edenfield1 viewsIan Summers

HPC-18BU-011.jpg19 Crow Woods Road, Edenfield 1 viewsIan Summers

HPC-18BU-012.jpgCarved Face on No19 Crow Woods Road , Edenfield1 viewsIan Summers

HPC-18BU-013.jpgEdenfield Parish Church Poppy Displays 1 viewsIan Summers

HPC-18BU-021.jpgSt Andrews Church from Nuttall Park _ _1 viewsIan Chapman

HPC-18BU-038.jpgPorritts at Stubbins now closed1 viewsIan Chapman

HPC-18BU-039.jpgPorritts at Stubbins now closed1 viewsIan Chapman

HPC-18BU-049.JPGEclectic Deli on Bolton Street1 viewsAlan Seymour

HPC-18BU-051.JPGAdderstone Mansions on Market Place 1 viewsAlan Seymour

HPC-18BU-052.JPGWinner - Bridge Street shops for the 1940s weekend1 viewsAlan Seymour

HPC-18BU-055.JPGOld Nat West Bank on Bridge Street1 viewsAlan Seymour

HPC-18BU-058.JPGOld Village restaurant waiting to reopen - Market place 1 viewsAlan Seymour

HPC-18BU-061.JPGVelvet in old Nat West - Bridge Street1 viewsAlan Seymour

HPC-18BU-068.jpgFlats on Bolton Rd West site of Old BDA 1 viewsIan Chapman

HPC-18BU-074.JPGBack of Restaurants on Bolton Street from Central Street1 viewsIan Chapman

HPC-18BU-079.JPGRamsbottom Health Centre 1 viewsIan Chapman

HPC-18EV-001.jpgEdenfield Fete. The Edenfield Forum displays about building on green field sites 1 viewsIan Summers

HPC-18EV-003.jpgEdenfield Parish Church a replacement bench for Sue Almond?s Memorial Bench1 viewsIan Summers

HPC-18EV-005.jpgMemorials to the Lancashire Fusiliers, Bolton Road North, Edenfield1 viewsIan Summers

HPC-18EV-013.jpg Presentation of Edenfield in Bloom Certificates by Councillor Iddon 1 viewsIan Summers

HPC-18EV-014.jpg Presentation of Edenfield in Bloom Certificates by Councillor Iddon 1 viewsIan Summers

HPC-18EV-021.jpgMay Bank holiday 1940s weekend 1 viewsAnne Shortt

HPC-18EV-026.jpgBury Treasure Hunt in Nuttall Park1 viewsIan Chapman

HPC-18EV-027.jpgBury Treasure Hunt in Nuttall Park1 viewsIan Chapman

HPC-18EV-028.jpgMessing about in the River Irwell 1 viewsIan Chapman

HPC-18EV-039.jpgMemorial stone Unveiling Nuttall Park Sunday November 4th 2018 Getting ready for prayers1 viewsIan Chapman

HPC-18EV-049.JPGUnveiling of the recently Restored Porrits Plaque at the Royal British Legion Ramsbottom 1 viewsIan Chapman

HPC-18EV-050.jpgUnveiling of the recently Restored Porrits Plaque at the Royal British Legion Ramsbottom 1 viewsIan Chapman

HPC-18EV-051.JPGUnveiling of the recently Restored Porrits Plaque at the Royal British Legion Ramsbottom 1 viewsIan Chapman

HPC-18EV-052.JPGUnveiling of the recently Restored Porrits Plaque at the Royal British Legion Ramsbottom 1 viewsIan Chapman

HPC-18EV-060.JPGChristmas at St Paul's Church, Ramsbottom1 viewsJoan Platt

HPC-18EV-076.JPGMermaid for sale at Jesse Mays vintage store 1 viewsAlan Seymour

HPC-18EV-078.JPGSanta Special at Ramsbottom station 1 viewsAlan Seymour

HPC-18EV-079.JPGRestored Porritt and Spencer World War I Memorial Plaque installed at Ramsbottom British Legion 1 viewsIan Smith

HPC-18EV-083.jpgFundraiser for Renal Unit Salford Hospital at Buchanan Sports & Social Club 1 viewsIan Chapman

HPC-18EV-097.jpgHighly Commended - Cricket Match at The Brooksbottom Summerseat1 viewsIan Williams

HPC-18TC-002.jpgLooking North along Market Street, Edenfield 1 viewsIan Summers

HPC-18TC-009.jpgSide of Ramsbottom Signal Box 1 viewsAnne Shortt

HPC-18TC-010.jpgView of Holcombe Church from Kenyon Street1 viewsAnne Shortt

HPC-18TC-015.jpgJacobs Ladder in the Autumn1 viewsAnne Shortt

HPC-18TC-023.JPGDundee Lane and Holcombe Church from Nuttall Park1 viewsIan Chapman

HPC-18TC-025.JPGPaper Mill Chimney and Soap Works Chimney & Ramsbottom United FC ground from Nuttall Park1 viewsIan Chapman

HPC-18TC-039.JPGPeel Tower from Ramsbottom Cemetery1 viewsIan Chapman

HPC-18TC-056.jpgRepllica Plaque Nuttall Lane1 viewsIan Chapman

HPC-18TC-061.jpgMemorial Garden at Porritt's Mill (Stubbin Vale Mill) 1 viewsIan Chapman

HPC-18TC-066.JPGRest with a view from the back of Holcombe Hill. 1 viewsJoan Platt

HPC-18TC-081.JPGRoad Setts - unknown street1 viewsAlan Seymour

HPC-18TC-102.JPGHolcombe Church from Nuttall Park1 viewsIan Chapman

HPC-18TH-075.jpgRe-Building of the houses and the bridge on the Island at Summerseat 1 viewsAnne Shortt

HPC-18TH-104.jpgNew build at Bleakholt Animal Sanctuary 1 viewsIan Chapman

HPC-18TH-121.jpgPorritt and Spencer War Memorial at the Royal British Legion 1 viewsJohn Leyland

HPC-18TH-123.jpgPorritt and Spencer War Memorial at the Royal British Legion 1 viewsJohn Leyland

HPC-18TH-124.jpgPorritt and Spencer War Memorial at the Royal British Legion 1 viewsJohn Leyland

HPC-18TH-141.jpgWar memorial garden at Stubbins Vale Mill1 viewsJohn Leyland

HPC-18TH-142.jpgWar memorial garden at Stubbins Vale Mill1 viewsJohn Leyland

HPC-18TH-144.jpgWar memorial garden at Stubbins Vale Mill1 viewsJohn Leyland

HPC-18TH-204.JPGanother timber frames house on Bolton Road West1 viewsAlan Seymour

HPC-18TH-205.JPGanother timber frames house on Bolton Road West1 viewsAlan Seymour

HPC-18TH-243.JPGSigns around town - Baratxuri Smithy Street1 viewsAlan Seymour

HPC-18TH-244.JPGSigns around town - no caravans - unknown1 viewsAlan Seymour

HPC-18TH-245.JPGSigns around town - Warm cookie dough at a market 1 viewsAlan Seymour