HPC-93TC-031.jpgRemains of Grant's Tower3 viewsMavis Homewood
HPC-93EV-005.jpgTurn Women's Institute 25th Birthday celebrations 2 viewsAlan Hibbert
HPC-93EV-012.jpgTeddy Bear's picnic on Railway Street2 viewsDorothy Moss
HPC-93EV-013.jpgKellogg's Round Britain cycle race outside the Rose and CrownKellogg's
Round Britain race outside the Rose and Crown2 viewsDorothy Moss
HPC-93EV-014.jpgKellogg's Round Britain cycle race outside the Rose and CrownKelloggs Round Britain race outside the Rose and Crown2 viewsDorothy Moss
HPC-93EV-020.jpgWhit Walk - Holcombe Emannuel banner2 viewsJohn Leyland